



鲁白博士现为新成立的清华大学药学院终生教授。他曾在学术界和工业界担任一系列的领导职务,如清华大学医学院常务副院长(2013-2016),葛兰素史克研发部副总裁负责神经退行性疾病药物研发(2009-2013)。在此之前,鲁白曾在美国国立健康研究院(NIH)工作14年,历任突触发育实验室主任,神经发育研究室主任, 基因、认知与精神研究部(GCAP)副部长。他在美国康乃尔(Cornell)大学医学院获得博士学位,并在洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)大学做博士后,师从诺贝尔奖得主Paul Greengard。


鲁白博士的研究兴趣涵盖神经科学与神经,精神疾病、模式动物、发育生物学、遗传学与人类基因组研究等方面,发表科学论文100多篇。长期从事神经发育与突触可塑性的研究,有多项重要发现。1996年发现神经营养因子(BDNF)对学习记忆机制的促进作用,与国际上几位学者一起,开创了神经营养因子调控突触和神经可塑性的新领域。他与Weinberge教授一起发现人的BDNF基因上的一个单核甘酸变异(SNP)能影响BDNF在脑中的释放,从而改变学习记忆功能。该工作被Science杂志列为2003年世界十大科技进展中的第二位。他还发现了BDNF前体proBDNF剪切后产生成熟mBDNF,促进突触可塑性和长时记忆机制,而proBDNF抑制突触可塑性。基于mBDNF和proBDNF之间的对立关系,提出了“神经营养因子作用中的阴阳机制” 假说。鲁白实验室长期从事认知的神经环路研究,运用模式动物,电生理,成像以及光遗传学手段,研究前额叶皮层脑认知功能。近年来的研究兴趣扩展到转化医学,用电生理学、行为学及成像技术来探讨认知和脑的其他高级功能,及神经,精神疾病的发病机理。并从事神经营养因子及神经退行性疾病的新药研发;2013年提出“基于BDNF的突触修复”,治疗神经退行性疾病的新策略,引起广泛关注。


曾担任跨国药企GSK的研发副总裁,负责: 1) 神经系统药物研发的总体生物学战略, 2) 神经退行性疾病药物研发管线和3个研发部的管理, 3) 药物新靶点发现研究, 4) 早期临床和实验医学研究, 5) 对外合作和商物发展。他领导的团队曾开发出检测人类大脑突触功能障碍的生物标记物,用遗传学和影像学作病人选择的临床试验新方法,并研制出能够激活神经营养因子通路的抗体候选药。


担任多个国际基金会的评审专家,国际神经科学杂志的編委,多家国际学术团体,研究所的科学顾问,理事,董事会成员。多次主持重要国际性的学术会议。自1994年来应邀在国际学术会议,世界各地著名大学和研究所作学术报告250余次,大会特邀和主题报告14次。获殷之浩大陆杰出青年科学家奖,中国国家自然科学基金-杰出青年B类, NIH院长讲座奖, APAO杰出成就奖, Mathilde Solowey奖,及Ray Wu奖,等等。2014被汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)评为“世界最有影响力的神经科学家”,是唯一一名在中国工作的科学家。近3年连续入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“中国高被引神经科学领域科学家”。目前还担任”北京市人脑高精尖中心”副主任兼首席科学家,北京市“医药健康协同创新行动计划“专家委员会主任委员。



· 1995年与旅美科学家饶毅和梅林共同主建中科院上海分子神经生物学研究室,在此基础上,1998年与蒲慕明教授等一起创建中科院神经科学研究所

· 1998年在北京主持召开Gordon Conference,是首次在中国引进高端国际学术会议

· 1999任中国科学院首批海外评审专家

· 2002任中国科学院上海生物医药产业化唯一的海外顾问

· 2003应邀任中国科技部的2位海外顾问之一,咨询国家科技中长期规划

· 2003-2005开创并主持国家自然科学基金会海外专家评审会;该制度延续至今

· 多次就中国的科学教育,人才培养,生物工业等接受中美兩国著名媒体专访,发表评论

· 2008起协助筹建中国McGovern脑与认知研究所

· 2009创办GSK科技创新奖

· 2014年与饶毅,谢宇一起创办微信公众账号“赛先生”,后改为“知识分子”,现为国内主要科技传媒之一

· 2016年应邀成为长城会7位GASA大学校董之一(其他校董:李开复,杨培东,张宏江,张首晟,Tom Mitchel, 沈南鹏)

· 2018年被聘为北京市战略发展专家,海淀区科学顾问

重要的原始论文 (共100多篇已发表)

1. S. Wang, H. Yao, Y. Xu, R. Hao, W. Zhang, H. Liu, Y. Huang, W. Guo, B. Lu (2020). Therapeutic potential of a TrkB agonist antibody for Alzheimer’s disease. Theranostics. In press.

2. H. You, P. C. Chu, W. Guo, B. Lu (2020) A subpopulation of Bdnf-e1-expressing glutamatergic neurons in the lateral hypothalamus critical for thermogenesis control. Molecular Metabolism. 31:109-123.

3. W. Guo, Y. Chen, K. Pang, H. Li, S. Wang, H. Yao1, Y. Xu, H. Liu, V. Lopes-Rodrigues, W. Wu, B. Lu (2019). TrkB agonist antibodies with unique properties superior to BDNF. Neurobiology of Diseases. 132; xxx. Significant paper, developed a novel TrkB agonist antibodies with unique properties superior to BDNF.

4. F. Han, X. M. Guan, W. Guo, B. Lu Therapeutic potential of a TrkB agonistic antibody for ischemic brain injury. Neurobiology of Diseases. 127:570-581. 2017. Significant paper, demonstrated that the novel TrkB antibodies could be used for the treatment of stroke.

5. K. Sakata K. Martinowich, N. H. Woo, D. V. Jimenez, R. Schlosser, Y. Ji., L. Shen, B. Lu Role of activity-dependent BDNF expression in hippocampal-prefrontal cortical regulation of behavioral perseverance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110:15103-15118. 2013. Significant paper, revealed that activity-dependent BDNF expression is critical for behavioral flexibility.

6. H. –S. Je, S. Portruli, F. Yang, H. –S. Je, , S. Portruli, Y. Ji, G. Nagappan, B. Hempstead, Y. Son, and B. Lu Role of proBDNF to mature BDNF conversion in activity-dependent competition at developing neuromuscular synapses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109, 15924-15929. 2012 Significant paper, revealed a molecular mechanism underlying activity-dependent synaptic competition, a central issue in developmental neurobiology.

7. B. Fischer, J. Reis, K. Martinowich, H. M. Schambra, Y. Ji, L. Cohen, B. Lu DC Stimulation-Enhanced Motor Learning Is Mediated by BDNF-dependent Long-term Synaptic Potentiation. Neuron 66, 198-204. 2010. Significant paper, demonstrated a way to manipulate BDNF secretion in human brain in vivo.

8. Y. Ji, Y. Lu, L. Feng, T. T. Tang, B. Lu Acute and gradual increases in BDNF concentration elicit very different signaling events and cellular responses in hippocampal neurons. Nature Neuroscience 13, 302-309, 2010. Significant paper, demonstrated that a single extracellular factor could induce distinct signaling and functions based on how it is delivered.

9. K. Sakata, N. H. Woo, K. Martinowich, J. S. Greene, R. Schlosser, L. Shen, B. Lu Critical role f promoter-IV-driven BDNF transcription in GABAergic transmission and synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex, Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106, 5942–5947, 2009. Significant paper, discovered a role of activity-dependent BDNF expression in synaptic modulation distinct from basal BDNF expression.

10. N. H. Woo, C. J. Siao P. T. Pang, H. K. Teng, T. A.Milner, B. L. Hempstead, B. Lu ProBDNF/p75NTR signaling is necessary for hippocampal long-term depression. Nature Neuroscience 8, 1069-1077, 2005. Significant paper, discovered the role of ProBDNF p75NTR signaling in synaptic plasticity, formed the basis for “Yin and Yang Hypothesis of Neurotrophin”.

11. P. T. Pang, H. K. Teng, N. Woo, E. Zaitsev, K. Sakata, S. Zhen, K. K. Teng, W.-H. Yung, B. L. Hempstead, B. Lu Cleavage of ProBDNF by the tPA/plasmin is essential for long-term hippocampal plasticity, Science 306, 487-491, 2004. Significant paper, discovered the extracellular protease cleavage of proBDNF in the brain, and the role proBDNF to mature BDNF conversion in long-term synaptic plasticity.

12. M. F. Egan, M. Kojima, J. H. Callicott, T. E. Goldberg, B. S. Kolachana, E. Zaistev, A. Bertolino, B. Gold, D. Goldman, M. Dean, B. Lu, (co-corresponding author) and D. R. Weinberger A single nucleotide polymorphism in BDNF gene affects regulated secretion of BDNF and human memory and hippocampal function, Cell 112, 257-269, 2003. Seminal paper, provided the first link between a human genetic polymorphism and cellular and cognitive function. Selected by Science as No. 2 in “10 Breakthrough of the Year”.

13. A. Figurov, L. Pozzo-Miller, T. Wang, P. Olafsson, B. Lu Regulation of synaptic responses to high-frequency stimulation and LTP by neurotrophins in the hippocampus, Nature 381, 706-709, 1996. Seminal paper, viewed as pioneering study of neurotrophin regulation of synaptic plasticity.

14. T. Wang, K. Xie, and B. Lu Neurotrophins promote maturation of developing neuromuscular synapses. J. Neurosci. 15, 4796-4805, 1995. Significant paper, first report of long-term regulation of synapses by neurotrophins.

15. H. G. Kim, T. Wang, P. Olafsson, and B. Lu Neurotrophin-3 potentiates neuronal excitability and inhibits g-aminobutyratergic synaptic transmission in cortical neurons, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 12341-12345, 1994. Significant paper, first demonstration of acute effects of a neurotrophin on CNS neurons and synapses.


1. B. Lu, G. Nagappan, X. Guan, and P. Wren (2013) BDNF-based synaptic repair as a disease-modifying strategy for neurodegenerative diseases. Nature Review Neuroscience. 14, 401-416.

2. K. Martinowich, H. Manji, B. Lu New insights into BDNF function in depression and anxiety, Nature Neuroscience 10, 1089-1093, 2007. Significant paper, provide new perspectives to mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders based on advances in BDNF cell biology.

3. B. Lu, N. H. Woo, and P. T. Pang Yin and Yang of neurotrophin regulation, Nature Review Neuroscience 8, 603-614, 2005. Significant paper, proposed “Yin-Yang hypothesis”: pro to mature neurotrophins elicit opposing roles through distinct receptors, and therefore proteolytic cleavage of proneurotrophis may control the direction of neurotrophin actions.


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