especially appealing for images of very crowded cells
bottom-up approach
to first classify every pixel into semantic classes (such as cell or background) and then group pixels of the same class into individual instances.
problematic for images of very crowded cell nuclei, since only a few mis-classified pixels can cause bordering but distinct cell instances to be fused.
top-down approach
first localize individual cell instances with a rough shape representation and then refine the shape in an additional step
NMS can be problematic if the objects of interest are poorly represented by their axis-aligned bounding boxes. While this can be mitigated by using rotated bounding boxes [10], it is still necessary to refine the box shape to accurately describe objects such as cell nuclei.
针对the single object class cell nuclei,predicts a shape representation
图像中每个点(i,j),分别回归star-convex polygon distances(k)和object probabilities(d).
object probabilities (d_(i,j)): 点(i,j) 的euclidean distance to the nearest background pixel。每个点一个距离
star-convex polygon distances (k_(i,j)):属于同一个物体类别的点(i,j)沿radial direction到物体边界的最远距离。每个点有k个距离
For the predicted object probabilities, binary cross-entropy loss
For the polygon distances, mean absolute error loss weighted by the ground truth object probabilities
关于star-convex polygon distances与radital detection:
在CVPR2017 Straight to Shapes: Real-time Detection of Encoded Shapes中引入,但不适合,如下图。但是这种形状表征很适合细胞。