linux smartd failed 2009-03-15 17:29
最近爱上linux,因为他的GUN精神,于是在努力学习,是用虚拟机装的,怕木有办法直接驾驭这个性格有点怪但是很有魅力的系统,开机时总是显示smartd进程失败,于是找到相关技术文章,分享下。 其实还有个问题,我的linux没有声音,声卡是正常的,但测试声音就是没有,下一个目标就是解决这个,呵呵~~ smartd是一个守护进程(一个帮助程序),它能监视拥有自我监视,分析和汇报技术(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology – SMART)的硬盘。 SMART系统使得硬盘能监视并汇报自己的运行状况。它的一个重要特性是能够预测失败,使得系统管理员 能避免数据丢失。 smartd由kernel-utils包缺省安装。用命令 rpm -ql kernel-utils 可以列出kernel-utils包中的文件。 smartd守护进程通常在系统启动的时候被开启,它的配置文件是/etc/smartd.conf。 比如,假设有两个硬盘被安装,/dev/hda和/dev/hdb。一个是CD_ROM设备,另一个是硬盘。为了检测它们 是否支持SMART,使用命令 smartctl -i /dev/hda 和 smartctl -i /dev/hdb: # /usr/sbin/smartctl -i /dev/hda smartctl version 5.1-11 Copyright (C) 2002-3 Bruce Allen Home page is === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: ST380011A Serial Number: 3JVB672N Firmware Version: 8.01 Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall] ATA Version is: 6 ATA Standard is: ATA/ATAPI-6 T13 1410D revision 2 Local Time is: Fri Aug 20 14:09:16 2004 EST SMART support is: Available – device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled ”SMART support is: Available – device has SMART capability.“这行说明支持SMART。”SMART support is: Enabled”这行说明SMART已经被打开。 CD-ROM设备和旧式的硬盘不支持SMART,这可以从smartctl -i /dev/hdb的输出看出: # /usr/sbin/smartctl -i /dev/hdb smartctl version 5.1-11 Copyright (C) 2002-3 Bruce Allen Home page is === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: LTN526D Serial Number: [No Information Found] Firmware Version: 9S03 Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall] ATA Version is: 1 ATA Standard is: Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated Local Time is: Fri Aug 20 14:24:43 2004 EST SMART is only available in ATA Version 3 Revision 3 or greater. We will try to proceed in spite of this. SMART support is: Unavailable – device lacks SMART capability. A mandatory SMART command has failed: exiting. To continue, use the -T option to set the tolerance level to ‘permissive’ 注意有些硬盘控制器不支持SMART。比如有些硬件RAID控制器不支持,或者不会传递SMART信息,即使加入 的硬盘支持SMART。 可以修改/etc/smartctl.conf文件,使得smartd只监视你想监视的设备。假设只有/dev/hda需要被监视, 在该设备上如果有警告信息发生,需要把它发给根用户,那么/etc/smartd.conf需要这样修改: # /etc/smartd.conf # Sample configuration file for smartd. See man 5 smartd.conf. # Home page is: … # A very silent check. Only report SMART health status if it fails # But send an email in this case /dev/hda -a -m root@localhost.localdomain … 编辑完/etc/smartd.conf,重启该守护进程: # /sbin/service smartd restart Shutting down smartd: [FAILED] Starting smartd: [ OK ] 要设置smartd在系统启动时候被激活,在根用户下用 chkconfig smartd on 命令。 关闭smartd服务自动启动 root LINUX smartd is a daemon that monitors the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) system built into many ATA-3 and later ATA, IDE and SCSI-3 hard drives. The purpose of SMART is to monitor the reliability of the hard drive and predict drive failures, and to carry out different types of drive self-tests. This version of smartd is compatible with ATA/ATAPI-7 and earlier standards 简单地说,smartd是监控硬盘的可靠性并预测其失败、进行测试的守护进程! 仔细看看smartd的说明即可!(man smartd) #chkconfig smartd off 这是关闭smartd服务自动启动,机器重新启动时smartd不再运行! |