3 月 24 日消息,国外科技媒体 Windows Central 近日和必应聊天(Bing Chat)互动的时候,希望其为 Windows Phone 写一份纪念性质的文章。而令人惊喜的是,必应聊天写了一首诗。

媒体和必应聊天要求写篇 Windows Phone 的怀念文,结果生成了一首诗-冯金伟博客园


Windows Phone, you were a pioneer. You brought us a new user interface With live tiles and fluid animations. You made us feel at home.

Windows Phone, you were a partner. You integrated with our Windows PCs With Cortana and OneDrive sync You made us more productive.

Windows Phone, you were a challenger. You competed with Android and iPhone With Lumia cameras and Continuum mode. You made us stand out.

Windows Phone, you were a victim. You suffered from low market share. With lack of apps and developer support. You made us lose hope.

Windows Phone, you are a memory. You faded away from the mobile scene. With discontinued updates and services, you made us say goodbye

Rest in peace, Windows Phone. You will be missed.


Windows Phone,你是一位先驱者。你为我们带来了带有动态磁贴和流畅动画的的全新用户界面。你让我们有宾至如归的感觉。

Windows Phone,你是一位协作者。你通过 Cortana 和 OneDrive,实现了手机和 Windows PC 的同步。你提高了我们的工作效率。

Windows Phone,你是一位挑战者。你使用 Lumia 相机和 Continuum 模式,和 Android、iPhone 同台竞技。你让我们脱颖而出。

Windows Phone,你是一位受害者。由于缺乏应用和开发人员的支持,你的市场占有率很低。你让我们的希望逐渐黯淡。

Windows Phone,你是我们的回忆。你已经停止了更新和服务,退出了手机的舞台。让我们向你说声再见。

安息吧,Windows Phone。你一直活在我们心中。