
《八方旅人》各地图NPC作用及剧情汇总(英文版) 隐藏道具NPC位置介绍-冯金伟博客园


Guard (Near Entrance) 新可购买武器
Townsperson (Near Inn) 旅馆折扣
Girl 隐藏道具
Boy 机智的交换
Tavern Patron 隐藏道具
Tavern Patron 隐藏道具
药师 熟练指导
Guard (South Exit of Palace Gates) 隐藏道具
商人 隐藏道具
Elderly Woman 隐藏道具
Know-it-all Milo The Jellypeno
Handsome Minstrel 索克拉思之歌
Guard (North Exit of Palace Gates) 隐藏道具
Guard (Near Entrance of Palace) 隐藏道具
Boy (Inside Palace) 隐藏道具
Guard 隐藏道具
Guard 隐藏道具


Village Headman 旅馆折扣
Elderly Woman 充足补给
Crest-bearing Swindler 隐藏道具
Obliging 商人 隐藏道具
Villager (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具


Townsperson (Near Entrance) 隐藏道具
Witnes 目击者陈述
Muttering Codger 冰巨人睡觉的地方
Knight Ardante (Near East Exit) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Right of Townsperson Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具
神官 熟练指导
Townsperson (Right of Prison) 旅馆折扣
Knight Ardante (Near Cathedral Entrance) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Near Cathedral Entrance) 隐藏道具
神官 (Near Cathedral Entrance) 隐藏道具
Mother 隐藏道具
Boy 隐藏道具
神官 (Right Side of Cathedral) 隐藏道具
Former Knight Ardante 骑士阿丹特的谣言
神官 (Near Sacred Flame) 新可购买武器


商人 (Near Weapon Shop) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具
神官 (Inside Tavern) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Near Entrance of Grandport Markets) 新可购买武器
商人 (Red Clothes, Near Ship) 隐藏道具
Bazaar Shopper (Next to the green dressed 商人) 旅馆折扣
Bazaar Shopper (Top Right) 隐藏道具
Bazaar Shopper (Bottom Left) 隐藏道具
Ship Captain 隐藏道具
Lara 劳拉的新生活
商人 (Near Entrance to Grandport Bazaar) 隐藏道具
商人 (Inside Grandport Bazaar) 隐藏道具
Aristocrat (Inside Grandport Bazaar) 机智的交换


Townsperson (Near Entrance) 偷窃技巧(可以大大提高盗窃成功率)
Townsperson (Near Weapon Shop) 隐藏道具
Knight Ardante 挑衅专业人士
Scholarly Youth 黄金城
Elderly Woman 隐藏道具
Guard (Inside Palace, Near Entrance) 隐藏道具
Guard (Guarding the Throne, Right Guard) – 隐藏道具
Guard (Guarding the Throne, Left Guard) 隐藏道具


Townsperson (near Entrance) 隐藏道具
Affable Antiquarian 隐藏道具
Elderly Woman (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具
Fashionable Traveler 纺织品用途
Gateskeeper (Left) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Left of the Tavern) 无法抵挡的诱惑
Tavern Patron 隐藏道具
Tavern Patron 旅馆折扣
Tavern Patron 新可购买武器
Tavern Patron 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Right of the Tavern) 隐藏道具
Boy’ s Mother 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Near Book-loving Girl) 偷窃技巧(可大大提升偷窃成功率)
Book-loving Girl 隐藏道具


Guard (Entrance) 新可购买武器
Impoverished Man 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具
Angela 旅馆折扣
Tavern Patron 隐藏道具
Townsperson (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具


Villager (Near Entrance) 充足补给
Oblivious Townsperson 隐藏道具
Miserable Mother 隐藏道具
Villager (Blocking House Entrance) 隐藏道具
Affable 商人 克利夫兰之龙
Villager (Near West Exit) 旅馆折扣
Lazy Loafer 隐藏道具


Left Guard (Entrance) 隐藏道具
Left Guard (Inside Tavern) 隐藏道具
Right Guard (Inside Tavern) 偷窃技巧(可大大提升偷窃成功率)
商人 旅馆折扣
Old Man 隐藏道具
Elderly Woman 熟练挑战
Townsperson (blocking House Entrance near Savepoint in Lower Riverford) 隐藏道具
商人 (Lower Riverford) 隐藏道具

S’ warkii

Villager (Near Entrance) 挑衅专业人士
Scholar of Beasts 如何训练老虎
Hunter (Near Tavern) 隐藏道具
Old Storyteller 驯兽师的故事
Highbrow Historian 拜伦家族血统
Fledgling Hunter 隐藏道具
Villager (Blocking House Entrance) 旅馆折扣
Village Headsman 隐藏道具
Hunter (Near West Exit) 充足补给


Townsperson (Near Entrance) 隐藏道具
Erstwhile Sellsword 隐藏道具
River Dweller 隐藏道具
Worrywart 隐藏道具
Old Man 熟练挑战
Townsperson (Near Exit to Saintsbridge: Upstream) 旅馆折扣
Townsperson (Near Exit to Saintsbridge) 新可购买武器
Townsperson (Near Exit to Murkwood Trail) 隐藏道具
Knight Ardante 隐藏道具
Right Kindly 神官 隐藏道具
神官 熟练指导
Townsperson (Inside Cathedral) 隐藏道具


Villager (near Entrance) 充足补给
Boy (Left of Snowman) 隐藏道具
Girl (Right of Snowman) 隐藏道具
Moneylender 隐藏道具
Veteran Mercenary 霜地之龙
Townsperson (Behind Snowman) 隐藏道具
Old Man (near East Exit) 无法抵挡的诱惑
Frostlands Farmer 隐藏道具
Villager (north Exit) 挑衅专业人士

Victor’ s Hollow

Townsperson (near Entrance) 新可购买武器
Doting Aunt 父亲与斗者
Orphanage Matron 马尔塔的帮派
Townsperson (near West Exit) 隐藏道具
商人 隐藏道具
Spectator (Their muscles are incredible!) 隐藏道具
Spectator (Have you heard of the tourney?) 旅馆折扣
Spectator (Age has caught up with me, though) 熟练挑战
Spectator (The arena isn’ t the only thing this city can boast!) 隐藏道具
Old Man 隐藏道具
Mont d’ Or Mont d’ Or的训练
Estadas Estadas的训练
Arena Attendant 隐藏道具


Townsperson (near Entrance) 隐藏道具
Townsperson (near Tavern) 旅馆折扣
Old Man 充足补给
Guard (guarding the barracks) 熟练挑战
Guard (inside barracks) 隐藏道具
Bale 隐藏道具
流程图文攻略 学者开局通关视频 高清大地图 最强武器&装备收集
祠堂位置一览 支线任务攻略 新手进阶攻略 前期强力装备拿法
职业选择与搭配指南 隐藏职业BOSS打法 快速刷经验方法 人物剧情与技能介绍