(csharp) (python)
1.Settings.xml :
//Settings.xml : <item name="stripperregex" value="[^u4e00-u9fa5|a-zA-Z0-9]"/>
this.GlobalSettings.addSetting("stripperregex", "[^u4e00-u9fa5|a-zA-Z0-9]"); //设置正则表达式
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using AIMLbot; using System.IO; using System.Speech.Synthesis; namespace ConsoleBot { class Program { /// <summary> /// 涂聚文 /// Geovin Du /// </summary> public class CharRoBot { const string UserId = "consoleUser"; private Bot AimlBot; private User myUser; /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public CharRoBot() { //------I added this code just coz I love that Light Green Geeky Looking Console ;-)------ //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AimlBot = new Bot(); myUser = new User(UserId, AimlBot); Console.Title = "CharRoBot v1.0 - By Geovin Du ("; Initialize(); } // Loads all the AIML files in the AIML folder public void Initialize() { string settingsPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.Combine("config", "Settings.xml")); AimlBot.loadSettings(settingsPath); AimlBot.isAcceptingUserInput = false; AimlBot.loadAIMLFromFiles(); AimlBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; } // Given an input string, finds a response using AIMLbot lib public String getOutput(String input) { Request r = new Request(input, myUser, AimlBot); Result res = AimlBot.Chat(r); return (res.Output); } } static CharRoBot bot; /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> static void Main(string[] args) { //1.第一种 //string settingsPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.Combine("config", "Settings.xml")); //Bot myBot = new Bot(); //myBot.loadSettings(settingsPath); //User myUser = new User("consoleUser", myBot); //myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = false; //myBot.loadAIMLFromFiles(); //myBot.isAcceptingUserInput = true; //while (true) //{ // Console.Write("You: "); // string input = Console.ReadLine(); // if (input.ToLower() == "quit") // { // break; // } // else // { // Request r = new Request(input, myUser, myBot); // Result res = myBot.Chat(r); // Console.WriteLine("Bot: " + res.Output); // //Make the bot Speak // SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // synthesizer.Volume = 100; // 0...100 // synthesizer.Rate = -2; // -10...10 // var output = res.Output; // // Synchronous // synthesizer.Speak(output); // } //} //2.第二种 string input = "start"; while (input != "exit") { bot = new CharRoBot(); Console.Write("You: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); var output = bot.getOutput(input); //Console.WriteLine(input); Console.WriteLine("Bot: " + output); //Make the bot Speak SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(); synthesizer.Volume = 100; // 0...100 synthesizer.Rate = -2; // -10...10 // Synchronous synthesizer.Speak(output); // Asynchronous // synthesizer.SpeakAsync(output); } } } }